Alameda Creek Restoration Reports
Ancestry and Adaptive Evolution of Anadromous, Resident, and Adfluvial Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the San Francisco Bay Area - Institute of Marine Sciences and Southwest Fisheries Science Center 2016
Contemporary Land Change Alters Fish Communities in a San Francisco Bay Watershed - U.C. Berkeley and USEPA 2015
Initial Study for Lower Alameda Creek Fish Passage Improvements - ACWD and ACFCD 2013
Unimpaired, Impaired, and Future Flow and Temperature Estimates Along Lower Alameda Creek for Hydrologic Years 1996-2009 McBain & Trush 2012
2009 Population Size Estimates for Adult Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in San Antonio and Calaveras Reservoirs - SFPUC 2011
Draft Scope for Sunol Valley Restoration Plan - SFPUC 2010
Strategic Plan for Eliminating Barriers to Steelhead Migration in Stonybrook Creek - ACFCD 2010
Assessment of Fish Upstream Migration at Natural Barriers - SFPUC 2010
Assessment of Fish Migration at Riffles in Sunol Valley - SFPUC 2010
Feasibility of Fish Passage at Calaveras Dam - SFPUC 2009
Feasibility of Fish Passage at Alameda Creek Diversion Dam - SFPUC 2009
Alameda Creek Flood Control Channel Predator Fish Surveys - EBRPD 2008
Alameda Creek Population Recovery Strategies and Instream Flow Assessment for Steelhead Trout - McBain & Trush 2007
Alternatives Evaluation Report, Lower Alameda Creek/Bart Weir Fish Passage Assessment - ACFCD 2007
Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring Report 2005 SFPUC 2007
Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring Report 2004 - SFPUC 2006
Lower Alameda Creek/Bart Weir Fish Passage Assessment - Draft Alternatives Evaluation Report ACFCD 2006
Fish Passage Improvement Barrier Modification Alameda Creek NCFFF and GWWFF 2006
Effects of Climate Change on the Hydrology of Upper Alameda Creek Klausmeyer 2005
Conceptual Design and Feasibility of a Natural Fishway at the Fremont BART Weir, Alameda Creek CEMAR 2005
Population Size Estimates for Adult Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in San Antonio and Calaveras Reservoirs SFPUC 2005
Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring Report 2003 SFPUC 2005
Fish Passage Assessment of Private Stream Crossings on Lower Stonybrook Creek - CEMAR 2005
Conceptual Designs for Removal and Replacement of Two Stream Crossings - ACFCD 2005
Stonybrook Creek Salmonid Migration Barrier Removal Project CEMAR 2005
San Antonio Creek, Indian Creek and Arroyo Hondo Fish Trapping Data Summary SFPUC 2004
Supplementation Alternatives for Restoration of a Viable Steelhead Run to Alameda Creek ACFRW 2004
Evaluation of the Potential Historical and Current Occurrence of Steelhead within the Livermore-Amador Valley Zone 7 Water Agency 2004
Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring Report SFPUC 2004
Preliminary Assessment of Potential Steelhead Habitat in Sinbad Creek, Alameda County U.C. Berkeley 2004
Summary of Aquatic Surveys and Five-Year Study Plan for the Alameda Creek Watershed SFPUC 2003
San Antonio Creek, Indian Creek and Arroyo Hondo Fish Trapping Data Summary SFPUC 2003
Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring Report SFPUC 2003
Sunol/Niles Dam Removal Engineering Conceptual Design Draft Report - SFPUC 2003
Lower Alameda Creek Fish Passage Improvements Preliminary Restoration Plan - U.S. Army Corps 2003
Historical Distribution and Current Status of Steelhead, Coho Salmon, and Chinook Salmon in Alameda County Streams - USEPA 2003
Population Genetic Structure of Alameda Creek Rainbow/Steelhead Trout USGS 2003
Draft Steelhead Restoration Action Plan for the Alameda Creek Watershed CEMAR 2002
Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring Report SFPUC 2002
Sunol Valley Surface/Groundwater Interaction Study SFPUC 2002
Stonybrook Creek Fish Passage Assessment ACPWA 2001
Conceptual Fish Passage Designs and Cost Estimates for Lower Alameda Creek ACWD and ACWFCD 2001
Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring Report SFPUC 2001
Alameda Watershed Management Plan SFPUC 2001
Pilot Macroinvertebrate Bioassessment, Alameda Creek Project SFPUC 2001
An Assessment of the Potential for Restoring a Viable Steelhead Trout Population in the Alameda Creek Watershed ACFRW 2000
Feasibility Study for Removal and/or Modification of Fish Passage Barriers at the Sunol and Niles Dams SFPUC 2000
Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring Report SFPUC 2000
Microsatellite Analyses of Alameda Creek Rainbow/Steelhead Trout USGS 1999
Steelhead and Other Fish Resources of Western Mt. Hamilton Streams Smith 1998
Alameda Creek Stream Inventory Report CDFG 1996
Alameda Creek Water Resources Study SFPUC 1995
Establishment of a Steelhead Fishery in Alameda Creek Technical Committee 1989
Alameda Creek Urban Streams Study State of California 1980
An Historical Review of the Fish and Wildlife Resources of the San Francisco Bay Area CDFG 1962