Alameda Creek Alliance


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Information for Land Owners


Information for land owners for healthy creeks and wildlife habitat

A healthy stream is an irreplaceable natural resource and a wonderful amenity that can bolster a property's value. Make the most of your location next to a creek by helping to keep it healthy. Through proper care of stream banks and riparian vegetation, you can enhance your property, prevent erosion problems, avoid flood losses, preserve water quality, and contribute to the survival of fish and wildlife.

Read the Alameda Creek Alliance's Fish-Friendly Guide for Residents and Landowners

The Alameda County Resource Conservation District helps landowners work with agencies and organizations to develop and implement conservation projects on private land. The Urban Creeks Council has an active homeowner program in the Arroyo de la Laguna area.

Protecting and Enhancing the Creek on Your Property
Maintaining Woody Debris in Streams for Fish Habitat – U.C. Davis

Streambank Stabilization
Urban Creeks Council resources on biotechnical streambank stabilization measures

The City of Lafayette created the Homeowner's Creek Guide to Maintenance, Repair and Planting, which contains information on creek channel erosion, bank stabilization techniques, and re-vegetation options.

The County of Marin has a shorter overview of creek bank erosion and what to consider in planning a restoration project. For a more detailed discussion of streambank erosion control, the Marin Resource Conservation District and Marin Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program has the Groundwork: A Handbook for Small-Scale Erosion Control in Coastal California.

As part of a larger creek restoration, the City of El Cerrito produced the Baxter Creek Maintenance and Management Guide, which has great general information on creek restoration and maintenance.

Native Plants
Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour
Friends of the Arroyos Granada Native Garden in Livermore
CA Native Plant Society Native Here Nursery
CA Native Plant Society Where to Buy Native Plants in the Bay Area
Urban Creeks Council Native Bay Area Creek Plants
Drought tolerant plants for a Bay Area/Northern California coastal garden

The Watershed Nursery has great information and fact sheets on the many native plants they propagate and sell, including plant stock collected from the Alameda Creek watershed.

Wildlife-Friendly Ponds
Alameda County Resource Conservation District Wildlife-Friendly Ponds Program

Road Maintenance
Practical Field Guide to Low-Maintenance Roads for Ranch, Fire & Utilities Access - available from Wildland Solutions

Alternatives to Pesticides
Explore these fact sheets from the Alameda County Clean Water Program on how to control garden and household pests using non-toxic methods. Includes control information for ants, aphids, fleas, cockroaches, snails and slugs, spiders, and yellowjackets, as well as advice on how to maintain healthy gardens and lawns and control weeds naturally.

Improving Bird Habitat
Improving Bird Habitat in Your Yard - PRBO

Rainwater Harvesting
Rainwater harvesting involves capturing and utilizing rainfall from roofs, driveways, sidewalks, parking lots and streets. It is an effective way to conserve water as it decreases the use of treated drinking water for landscaping.

The comprehensive Homeowner's Guide to Greening Stormwater Runoff produced by the Santa Cruz RCD contains a wealth of information about rainwater harvesting, and discusses the various options that exists for homeowners.

The Oakland Rain Barrel Program has a variety of information sheets on rainwater harvesting, including General Installation Guidelines, and Rainwater Harvesting and Use, as well as links to local rain barrel suppliers and installers.