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Alameda Creek Fisheries Workgroup

The Alameda Creek Fisheries Restoration Workgroup was formed in 1999 as a collaborative effort among agencies to pursue restoration of steelhead trout to the Alameda Creek watershed

The Alameda Creek Fisheries Restoration Workgroup is a multi-agency stakeholder group formed in 1999 to develop and implement a strategy to restore steelhead trout to Alameda Creek. The Workgroup is composed of numerous community groups, local water management and flood control agencies, state and federal resource agencies, and others. The Alameda Creek Alliance is an active participant in the Fisheries Workgroup.

The Fisheries Workgroup published a scientifically peer-reviewed assessment in 2000 that concluded suitable habitat exists in the Alameda Creek watershed to support steelhead spawning and rearing. To formalize the activities of the Workgroup and to design and conduct the studies necessary to initiate restoration of steelhead, numerous agencies in the Workgroup signed a Memorandum of Understanding on hydrologic and habitat studies in the watershed. Through the Fisheries Workgroup there are 15 local, state and federal agencies working on fish passage projects within the Alameda Creek watershed.

The Workgroup and its consultants are conducting flow and temperature studies as well as assessing and modeling past, present and future steelhead habitat to estimate the range, magnitude, timing, duration, frequency and location of flows necessary to restore steelhead fisheries, while minimizing the impacts to water supply operations. All relevant existing data, reports and studies on hydrologic and geomorphic conditions and fish habitat were reviewed to prepare a plan describing the studies necessary to achieve steelhead restoration objectives. These studies are being implemented and modeling is being developed to provide the information necessary to estimate the flows for restoration. Results will form the foundation from which specific flow recommendations to support steelhead can be considered.

History of the Alameda Creek Fisheries Restoration Workgroup 1999-2012

Alameda Creek Fisheries Restoration Workgroup Accomplishments 2013-2018

Alameda Creek Fisheries Restoration Workgroup Members

Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
Alameda County Resource Conservation District
Alameda Creek Alliance
Alameda County Water District
California State Coastal Conservancy
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
California Trout
East Bay Regional Park District
National Marine Fisheries Service
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
Trout Unlimited
Zone 7 Water Agency