Alameda Creek Alliance


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Endangered Reptiles


Endangered reptiles in the Alameda Creek watershed

Alameda Whipsnake (Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus)

Status: Federally threatened
Habitats: Coastal scrub and chaparral; also grasslands, open woodlands, rocky slopes, and along open streams and arroyos near scrub and chaparral. Whipsnakes seek shelter in rock piles, outcrops, or small mammal burrows.
Threats: Habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation due to urban development, road construction, livestock grazing, and fire suppression
Locations in Alameda Creek watershed: Sunol and Pleasanton Ridges west of Hwy 680; south slopes of Mount Diablo; upper Alameda Cree, Wauhab Ridge, around Lake Del Valle, Cedar Mountain Ridge up to Altamont Pass.

Center for Biological Diversity information page on Alameda Whipsnake

Fact Sheet from the EPA about Alameda Whipsnake

Information from about Alameda Whipsnake

Western Pond Turtle (Actinemys marmaorata)

Status: state species of special concern
Habitats: Freshwater ponds and slow streams edged with sandy soils for laying eggs
Threats: Habitat alteration, abusive grazing practices, introduced exotic predators
Locations in Alameda Creek watershed: Mainstem Alameda Creek from Sunol Valley to headwaters; Arroyo de la Laguna; Arroyo Mocho; Arroyo Valle

Arkive information page on Western Pond Turtle

Fact Sheet from Contra Costa County about Western Pond Turtle