Northern Watershed Arroyos
The highly urbanized Livermore-Amador
Valley is drained by Arroyo de la Laguna and its tributaries Arroyo del
Valle and Arroyo Mocho. Most of the arroyos have intermittent stream flow
and have been channelized and straightened. Arroyo Valle runoff is impounded
by Lake del Valle, while the upper Arroyo Mocho gorge is unregulated and
relatively pristine.
Zone 7 Stream Management Plan
Zone 7 Water Agency is planning for multiple fish passage projects in Arroyo
Mocho, Arroyo del Valle and Arroyo de la Laguna as part of their Stream
Management Master Plan for flood protection and stream restoration in Livermore
and Pleasanton. The plan proposes about a dozen restoration and enhancement
projects which will remove or modify fish passage barriers, restore natural
stream meander, plant riparian vegetation or replace non-native vegetation
with native plants, create wetlands and other habitat for sensitive species,
and install educational kiosks. Although there appear to be a few traditional
flood control projects that involve hardening stream banks in already-altered
stream reaches, most of the proposed flood protection and erosion control
projects appear to be quite visionary and take environmental and habitat
consideration into account.
Living Arroyos Program
Living Arroyos is
a joint program of Zone 7 Water Agency, City of Livermore and the Urban
Creeks Council to restore the streams of the Livermore-Amador Valley, to
return functional, beneficial native habitats to the Valley's riparian zones.
Zone 7 Environmental and Hydrologic Analysis
Zone 7 has begun an environmental and hydrologic analysis of instream flow,
critical passage, potential habitat utilization and opportunities for stream
and riparian habitat enhancements for fish and amphibians in the arroyos,
to be completed by 2014.
Castlewood Drop Structure Removal
In 2013 Zone 7 Water Agency removed a failing in-stream concrete structure located in Arroyo de la Laguna in Pleasanton, at the Castlewood Country Club pedestrian crossing. The obsolete structure was removed because it was a flooding and public safety hazard, but it was also a potentially significant migration barrier for fish. See photos of the structure removal. Before: aerial view - side view - from downstream. After: aerial view - from downstream. Read Zone 7's final report on the structure's removal.
Lower Arroyo de la Laguna Stream Stabilization
In 2011 and 2012 the Alameda County Resource Conservation District, Natural
Resources Conservation Service and other agencies completed two stream bank
stabilization and restoration projects along a highly eroding reach of lower
Arroyo de la Laguna in Pleasanton, at Verona Bridge. These projects are
intended to minimize streambank erosion and demonstrate inexpensive and
environmentally friendly stream stabilization and bioengineering restoration
methods, such as a log crib walls, boulder placement and re-vegetation with
native plants. They help improve fish passage and habitat quality for western
pond turtles and migratory birds. See the Alameda County RCD web
page on the Arroyo de la Laguna restoration projects.
Granada Fish Barrier Removal
In 2007 Zone 7 Water Agency and Livermore Valley School District removed
a concrete crossing from Arroyo Mocho that was a potential fish passage
barrier. This restored a more natural stream bed in the reach behind Granada
High School and reduced trash in the creek. Read a Zone 7 flyer on the completed
Lawrence Livermore Lab Stream Crossing
In 2004 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory removed a 160-foot long and
80-foot wide low flow cement stream crossing from Arroyo Mocho at LLNLs
Arroyo Mocho Pump Station. The crossing was undermined by stream erosion
and was in danger of failure, creating potential fish passage problems.
LLNL replaced the crossing with a freestanding bridge above the 100 year
flood mark. Since Arroyo Mocho is relatively pristine, extreme care was
taken to preserve habitat and restore the natural flow characteristics of
the stream. LLNL wildlife biologists successfully moved hundreds of amphibians,
reptiles and fish out of harms way during the project, and the project area
was restored with native plants.
Arroyo Mocho Groundwater Recharge Project
In 2003 the Alameda Creek Alliance and Friends of the Arroyos were able
to change another project proposed by Zone 7 Water Agency that would have
added a potential fish migration barrier to Arroyo Mocho. Zone 7 made modifications
to a proposed rubber dam which will be used for groundwater recharge, including
operational constraints and a fish screen to avoid impacting juvenile fish.
Arroyo Mocho/Arroyo Las Positas Realignment and
Fish Ladders
In 2003 Zone 7 Water Agency constructed two fish ladders as part of a project
to widen, realign and restore the confluence of Arroyo Mocho and Arroyo
Las Positas in Livermore. Zone 7 removed existing concrete fish passage
barriers, added fish ladders to steep sections of the creek, restored a
more natural stream channel and planted native vegetation to enhance fish
and wildlife habitat. The ladders will allow steelhead trout the potential
to access spawning and rearing habitat in the Arroyo Mocho gorge when barriers
in lower Alameda Creek are removed. View photos of Arroyo
Las Positas fish ladder and the Arroyo
Mocho fish ladder.